Dental Exam and Cleaning Near Me in San Clemente

Dental Exam & Cleaning Near Me Dental exams and cleaning are absolutely important, find a dentist near you to get started. As part of maintaining your oral health, a dental exam involves a thorough evaluation of your teeth, gums, and mouth in general which may include X-rays. Dental cleaning on the other hand involves the …

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teeth whitening

Professional In-Office Teeth Whitening | San Clemente CA

Proper brushing and flossing every day can help to keep your smile bright and breath fresh. Factors such as aging, consuming colored foods and drinks, and lifestyle habits such as chewing or smoking tobacco products can cause your teeth to discolor and get darker.  Fortunately, there are several options for teeth whitening to help improve …

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teeth whitening

5 Questions to Consider Before Scheduling your Teeth Whitening Treatment in San Clemente CA

If you’re planning to get your teeth whitened, it’s important that you do your research to find the right dentist and dental practice. The bleaching procedure is generally safe and effective when done by a dentist during the first visit, and under a dentist’s supervision for subsequent treatments. That said, everyone should first visit a …

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dental crowns

Tooth Colored Dental Crowns in San Clemente CA

Dental crowns are a fairly common type of tooth repair option that works by encapsulating a damaged tooth to restore its size, shape, and strength, while improving its appearance. A few years ago, porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns were the preferred option because they combine the benefits of both porcelain and metal crowns (strength and aesthetics). However, the …

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dental cleaning

Types of Dental Cleanings in San Clemente CA

Scheduled professional teeth cleaning is a key component of your preventative dental care to maintain optimal dental health and minimize the risk of gum disease and tooth decay. The American Dental Association recommends that dental cleanings be performed every six months by a dental practitioner. However, some people may require more frequent cleanings depending on …

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teeth whitening

Teeth Whitening Treatment in San Clemente CA 

An estimated 80 percent of adults want a better smile, which most people relate with having whiter and brighter teeth. As a result, teeth whitening has become very popular in recent years. Bleaching or teeth whitening involves lightening the shade of your natural teeth and removing stains and discoloration. Whitening can greatly improve the appearance …

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dental crowns

Dental Crowns FAQs in San Clemente CA

A dental crown, also known as a tooth cap, is used to strengthen a tooth’s structure, return its normal size, shape, and function, and/or improve its appearance. A tooth crowned fully covers the visible part of the tooth above the gum line, resulting in a new outer surface.  Common Applications of Dental Crowns  A dental …

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teeth whitening

Professional Teeth Whitening Treatment Near Me, San Clemente CA

Your smile may gradually lose its sparkle regardless of how thorough your oral hygiene routine is. Although daily brushing and flossing as well as scheduling professional teeth cleanings can help prevent stains, age-related factors such as taking medications, smoking, drinking wine or tea can lead to yellow or brown teeth. Tooth whitening provides a way …

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tooth colored fillings

White, Tooth Colored Filling – FAQs | San Clemente CA

Here are some frequently asked questions about white, tooth colored fillings. What is White Tooth Colored Filling? Tooth colored filling refers to a dental treatment or procedure that is used to fill cavities or restore a decayed or damaged tooth. During the procedure, the dentist uses the tooth-colored filling material to fill the cavity, restoring …

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dental crowns

Am I Candidate for Dental Crowns? San Clemente CA

A crown is a cap that is bonded to a damaged or decayed tooth to restore its strength, function, and beauty. It can be fabricated from metals such as gold, silver, and alloys, as well as tooth-colored materials such as porcelain and composite. The most appropriate choice for your case depends on the location of …

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